A compendium of excellent books, lecture notes, and slides, spanning various fields of study, that are publicly available.


Machine Learning

Computer Science


Natural Sciences

Social Sciences


Special thanks to the following professors for having taught wonderful courses at IIT Dharwad / Bombay and University of Southern California, and making resources publicly available on their webpages.

  • Prof. Balmohan Vishnu Limaye, Professor Emeritus, Department of Mathematics, IIT Bombay, and former Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematics, IIT Dharwad
  • Prof. Bharath B. N, Assistant Professor, Department of Electrical, Electronics and Communication Engineering, IIT Dharwad
  • Prof. Vatsal Sharan, Assistant Professor, Thomas Lord Department of Computer Science, University of Southern California

Courtesy to authors and publishers of the content, no copyright infringement intended. Sole purpose of this page is to make publicly available learning resources more accessible, for the benefit of all.